Wednesday, 11 November 2009

Ready to Roll

The last Create2Skate session last night went so well. The kids were all stoked to take away their boards and those who wanted to ride them added grip tape and transferred their hardware over. Their parents came to pick them up and I took a minute to tell the kids that Boardstore is run and staffed by people who loves Jesus and that God loves them and gave them the option of taking away a free Skaters Bible. They were all excited to take one and alot of them exchanged email addresses and phone numbers with each other. I loved that they had made friends and that the workshops had been a chance to build more relationships. We also invited them to Skate Church in Coolum this Saturday so hopefully some will make it.

I'm so stoked on how these workshops have gone and it's made me really excited about doing it again.

Click on photos for larger views

Liam finishing off his sun rays with oil pastels

Matt's fully stencilled board - he came up with it all himself! Sick!

Mark showing the potential of Posca pens

Like father like son; Jye working on his wave

Josh and Matt making some fancy grip tape

The finished products! L-R Josh, Matt, Jye, Harrison, Jesse, Liam, Marshall and Jesse.

Awesome ay. All the glory goes to God for giving me the idea and making it a success.

Thursday, 5 November 2009


Hey everybody

So the Create2Skate workshops are three weeks in! There are 8 kids taking part and it's been SO GOOD! Super tiring but worth it. Mark who runs skate church has been coming every week to draw and connect with parents that come and Dave Fisher who is head of visual arts at Caloundra Christian College has been coming and showing the kids new techniques. It's been a great opportunity to chat to the kids, encourage them and invite them to skate church and our bbqs.

In the first week the kids spent time coming up with ideas using books and magazines that I brought in. In the second week they experimented with painting techniques on MDF and primed their skateboards and this week they got started on their decks.

Here are some photos:

Everything laid out ready to go on the first session

Marshall, Jesse and Liam's board designs

Liam getting into oil pastels

Jesse using Posca pens for his awesome pirate

Harrison outlining his "Chairman of the Board"

Matt helps Josh spray through some mesh

Matt creating checkers with a stencil he made

I'm so stoked on how they're doing - last week next week!